Saturday, August 9, 2008

We on a Road through Privilege ~31 October 2002

We on a road through privilege,
Simplicity and deprivation
Grow up with many shepherds
Desiring that greener pasture
Desiring to escape the shepherd
Desiring a new flock,
Mile by mile
You or I
Alone in yellow woods
You or I
Through familiar fields
Pause one day
And look how far you've come
Come home
Come far.
The wilds made me wilder
The thorns an brambles too
Impart strange, strong wiseness
Amidst the painful scars
I thank them all
My hope and despair
You friends and fortune
Along the way
My shepherd
Standing tall
So fond and so sad.
Twenty two summers
Seen flame to fall
And rivers ice
And iced through fur
And returning robins
Your dewed-through toes
My fond and sad shepherd
You've been there too
Watching and loving
Seen too the passing
Of shepherds
And flocks
And seasons
And all fond and sad

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