Thursday, March 7, 2013

Criticism and Democracy

Here are some brief thoughts on why criticism is creative and integral to a Democracy.  Briefly stated, with the right (Categorically Imperative) intentions, constructive criticism IS just that -- constructive!  It's also creative, as I explain here.  I'm a novice in political and legal theory, but I've been struck by the muse, and so I offer my version on the matter, not to state anything definitive, but to create a starting point, a "Toward a Model," one that has been and will be strongly influenced by other thinkers and events.

This started out of a simple conversation which has been a version of many I've heard before. Here's the offending flavor of some people's argument: Simple fact, if you don't like something on TV, you wouldn't write to a TV channel and go~ "I don't like this" would you? So as you would do in real life,~ if you don't like it, change the channel~ go watch/do something else~  
OR:           "If you have a problem with America, then leave it!"

First, The Tea Party has exposed the self-ignorant statements of "love it or leave it," because now they have the experience of living in a country led by a two-term president they don't like, and sad to say, they haven't all left the country.  The least anti-government/anti-diversity folks could do is secede.  They can have South Carolina to themselves, or even Wyoming or South Dakota.  They can erect a giant fence around it, complete with guard towers and border patrols, then lets see whether most people will try to sneak in or out.  I love the idea of a Libertarian/Objectivist Utopia Dystopia.  Fountainead indeed!  I believe that would look more like :

It doesn't take much life experience to know this is ignorant of many events as well as obvious "fan campaigns." Such campaigns brought back cancelled shows such as the original Star Trek, Cagney and Lacey, Quantum Leap, and many more. I should even mention fans boycotting shows for various reasons such as unethical ads, even demonstrations outside the NBC Burbank studios for the killing of character Dr. Marlena Evans on Days of Our Lives! And I still remember the campaign to bring back the "Father Dowling Mysteries" promoted at my home parish.  I believe I urged my mom to write a letter, which I signed.

If done with good intention, Constructive criticism doesn't just tear down, it can lift up, and EDUCATE. It's only when the EGO gets in the way that EITHER people's criticism gets hateful or personal or people take WELL-MEANING CRITICISM PERSONALLY or OUT OF CONTEXT. By the way, it's when people take the time to criticize and protest that DEMOCRACY happens. If we just changed the channel when we didn't like what we saw, we'd all have to start living in our own little bubbles of what we like. Consensus and democracy do cause friction, but that's how the world improves: through a conversation. If the conversation were smooth all the time with no dissent, our world would most likely be artless dictatorships... or worse - boring!

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One of my greatest concerns is that I might end up like a great rare tree that falls in a forest, unobserved and unrecorded.   During my life I will greatly delight most in my environment while the insecure and unexamined will be riled by my presence.  But when that day comes will my fall create a great clearing to inspire a rush of growth, or will I rot in place as food for woodpeckers, dying with my potential intact?

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Self Awareness, Emotional Development, and The Ignorance of Shame

::Talk Back :: Back Talk::

I am looking for evidence of people whose moral maturity is delayed or stuck in the teenage years, and yet they aren't defensive or ignorant about the fact.  Is it possible for someone to be stuck, and yet still be working or open toward development?  For instance, I often find that regardless of how caring I may be toward someone who is stuck and may need counseling or some sort of development in a specific area of life, they are usually willfully ignorant, stuck in denial, or just extremely defensive about the issue.  I don't consider myself someone who is making these judgment calls in the spirit of self-aggrandizement, or ego protection.  In reality, nine times out of ten, the individual contacts me months or years later and apologizes for their behavior and agrees with my assessment.
Additionally, I posit that cultures with substantial components of machismo tend to have more people (yes, including women, like Snookie) unwilling to acknowledge their developmental state, most likely as a function of what Brené Brown discusses in her work on vulnerability and courage.  The macho tends to view emotional vulnerability as a weakness, rather than employing such openness as a perceptive and creative advantage.

While on the topic of machismo and Dr. Brown's research:
I  wonder why so many transformational methods such as The Secret or Landmark seem to pole vault over the issue of shame.  It seems to be a case of the proverbial icing over the cow pie.  It is so difficult to positively alter your life's trajectory when the deep feeling of shame is not handled, and so many people are stopped by it -- and I believe most aren't even aware that they have shame.  I wasn't until I had a set of epiphanies.  I have come to read and observe, as does Brené Brown, that many cultures pervasively ingrain shame as a part of child rearing.  As a result, many adults are stuck at the often unconscious level of self distrust or disgust that they learned as children.  This perpetuates the cycle of shaming and hiding shame in adult relationships -- in the form of codependency or emotionally manipulative or degrading parenting.

I'd love to hear your observations!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Házunk előtt kedves édesanyám"

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More Hungarian Fun

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How my great grandparents got down when they were back in the homeland.   Magyar Állami Népi Együttes, néptánc páros
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Hungarians Getting their Folk Groove on:

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:  Szólótánc Gála - Füzesi ritka és sűrű fogásolás
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shame: I am Bad, I am a Mistake.  Guilt: I did something bad.  Vulnerability. Hiding. Fear of Failure. (Fertilizer+Seeds:  Secrecy, Silence, Shame)  It's seductive to sit on the sidelines until you feel perfect.  But we want to see you dirty in the arena.

Self Worth.  Being Found.  Courage.  Being of Service. (Antiseptic: Empathy). Worthy people have the courage to be imperfect, and fully embrace vulnerability.

Prussian Virtues.  Excluding obedience are adaptive.  Shame and absolute obedience lead to extremism and genocide.  A study showed that

Fear of Failure: The world doesn't understand that the outliers are those who have continued to fail miserably, and they aren't afraid to fail.  They don't know,  do they want to talk about this because of shame

Teddy Roosevelt said:
 It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

More than Art: Kipling and Professionalism in an Increasingly Credentialed Culture

In what follows, I pose a challenge to you, my dear readers and conversants, to consider what it is to be a professional.  And I hope to hear your responses.  Rudyard Kipling provides a searing review of art and professionalism in his poem, The Conundrum of the Workshops.  His poem brings this post to a close, following a brief look into Kipling's own background and philosophy.

As an insatiably curious beast, jack of all trades, polymath, dilettante, self-obsessed, immodest dreamer (however you might address me), I often wrestle and rant over the idea of "professional."

Question One:  Is a professional someone who earns money for her craft?  What percentage of her income must be earned in this pursuit until she is a professional tiddly wink player?

Question Two:  Must you have a degree, accreditation, or must you be published?

It appears we now live in a world of self-published individuals, each of us a mini media mogul of our blog, youtube, and facepage, each lording over our one pixel in the digital collage of humankind.  And now droves of people of all ages are turning to
MOOCs:  Massive Open Online Courses.  Ivy Leagues leading the charge to offer their courses to anyone who understands enough English to complete the coursework!  Some of these courses offer their own certification of completion.

But there is a significant backlash to this increasing availability of knowledge and DIY spirit.  New professional associations are unceasingly coagulating from the primordial ooze of unlicensed amateurs.  Their message: you must have letters at the end of your name in order for you to be trusted and to water at the shrinking pool of clients/customers.  Only the most naïve would deny that commodification drives professionalization.  And to be frank, commodification is an extension of hoarding.  And hoarding is derived from such base emotions as fear, however justified and rationalized by economic nomenclature.

I must agree that there is an endless list of reasons for professionalization of skills, and many are beneficial.  I want to know that my dentist is not wholly self taught. Despite all the economic and safety reasons, there is one thing that professionalization ultimately cannot guarantee:  Skill.  I can't tell you how many failing teachers, harmful physical and psychological therapists, and barely helpful accountants I have met.  

Here is the conundrum: A certification does not make you good.  It means you jumped through some hoops and shelled out a good bit of money to clear the threshold:

"Matters of economic policy should be reserved to a priesthood with the correct post-doctoral credentials, which would of course have excluded David Hume, Adam Smith, and arguably John Maynard Keynes (a mathematics graduate, with a tripos foray in moral sciences)." ~ From the Humble Libertarian 

I hope we take the time to consider this inquiry.  I am taking on my own challenge, as I hope you do, to observe unlicensed workers and consider them for their talents.  Where do we ultimately draw the line for necessity of credentials?

So, what does Rudyard Kipling have to say about professionals and  artists, writ small or large?  And how did his social position and upbringing influence his insightful evaluation?

"Rudyard Kipling was never one to accept accolades for his work. He was, I'm sure, called an artist by many, but refused to make a distinction between craftsmen and artists. He refused honors most of his life, and I rather think he did so because he saw himself as one of the people for whom he wrote. He was a commoner in his own eyes and resented being elevated above the average man. He was capable of the aires of the upper middle class, but also loved the music halls, placing him at elbows with many of the lower classes. Match that with all the years he spent as correspondent travelling with Her Majesty's Boys in Red, and we see an appreciation for the commoner, and less so for the elevated.My take on the conundrum? He's thumbing his nose at "artistes" in general, trying to distance himself from them."   ~Bruce Graham, 2007, from an online poetry forum

 The Conundrum of the Workshops

When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden's green and gold,
Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould;
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart,
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but is it Art ?"

Wherefore he called to his wife, and fled to fashion his work anew -
The first of his race who cared a fig for the first, most dread review;
And he left his lore to the use of his sons -- and that was a glorious gain
When the Devil chuckled "Is it Art ?" in the ear of the branded Cain.

They fought & they talked in the North & the South, they talked & they fought in the West,
Till the waters rose on the pitiful land, and the poor Red Clay had rest -
Had rest till that dank blank-canvas dawn when the dove was preened to start,
And the Devil bubbled below the keel: "It's human, but is it Art ?"

They builded a tower to shiver the sky and wrench the stars apart,
Till the Devil grunted behind the bricks: "It's striking, but is it Art ?"
The stone was dropped at the quarry-side and the idle derrick swung,
While each man talked of the aims of Art, and each in an alien tongue.

The tale is as old as the Eden Tree - and new as the new-cut tooth -
For each man knows ere his lip-thatch grows he is master of Art and Truth;
And each man hears as the twilight nears, to the beat of his dying heart,
The Devil drum on the darkened pane: "You did it, but was it Art ?"

We have learned to whittle the Eden Tree to the shape of a surplice-peg,
We have learned to bottle our parents twain in the yolk of an addled egg,
We know that the tail must wag the dog, for the horse is drawn by the cart;
But the Devil whoops, as he whooped of old: "It's clever, but is it Art ?"

When the flicker of London sun falls faint on the Club-room's green and gold,
The sons of Adam sit them down and scratch with their pens in the mould -
They scratch with their pens in the mould of their graves, and the ink and the anguish start,
For the Devil mutters behind the leaves: "It's pretty, but is it Art ?"

Now, if we could win to the Eden Tree where the Four Great Rivers flow,
And the Wreath of Eve is red on the turf as she left it long ago,
And if we could come when the sentry slept and softly scurry through,
By the favour of God we might know as much - as our father Adam knew!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Things Pass

I am inspired by the likes of Paul Robeson and Harry Belafonte.  Harry was on Kojo Nnamdi today speaking about how Robeson inspired his activism, well before he became a known singer.  He initially pursued celebrity and entertainment through acting.  Robeson met with his theater cast and crew after a show and spoke about how one can influence the world in a positive way.

I am most inspired by those who find their way late in life, or after a series of dead-ends.  Many of the people that inspire me in this way are my friends, in particular those who have had less than ideal childhoods.  Some of these people are those examples I have read about in articles and heard on television.  They give evidence that there is re-birth after difficulty.

Their stories say: keep going, keep trying, moments of possibility are always.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Taking Steps

My obsessive behaviors are bankrupt, and have bankrupted my work, body, mind and relationships.  Some people have given up on me, but thankfully most await the return of a reliable and solvent me.  I await and expect the return of a sober me.

I have overcome much already since leaving an oppressive and abusive childhood life. I have overcome clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, have come out to my friends and family in a caring and responsible way, graduated despite untreated anxiety and ADD, and in the last few years have won the battle to gain treatment for ADD, despite my periods where I had no health insurance, and there being a frequent lack of supply for the medication.  I have also overcome my fear of paying bills/managing finances and I have a totally transformed view and behavior regarding them.  I ended an abusive relationship, as well as unhealthy living conditions.  I have gone through all these transformations and am now leagues beyond the fearful, hopeless, resentful person that left my Hoosier farmland home in 1998.

Surely this is evidence of my winning character, in addition to my good habits of self-improvement and learning.

Herewith, I present to myself the evidence of my true successful nature, and the foundation for overcoming this last great mental challenge.

In the midst of the economy of 2008,

Despite others not knowing how to help, or those who were decidedly unhelpful.

I have one

There are those who stand by my difficult side, despite my lack of reliability.
I have noticed that many people desire constancy rather than a cornucopia of generosity, love, and "brilliance of relationship."  wonder/ magic/joy/discovery

But I do have constancy, but it's a type of constancy not many people understand, enjoy, or appreciate.

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